I looks like a DNS error (Domain Name Server) - a DNS takes the URL (xxx.com) you enter and "looks it up" in a list to convert it to a regular IP (xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). If the DNS doesn't have the URL listed, or is down, or for whatever reason, can't find the URL, you can get an address lookup failure. It is most likely a problem at your ISP, but it could also be internal to ArenaNet. It will probably fix itself (or be fixed) soon.
Also, when you register a Domain Name with a Registrar, the Registrar sends a list of updated URLs to all the various DNS servers. If you change the IP connected to the URL, an updated list is also sent. It can take a while before the change filters through the system. It's possible that ArenaNet changed some of it's IPs and the changes haven't gotten to your ISP's DNS yet.